Too many students around the nation are falling victim to cardiac arrests in situations similar to this unfortunate incident at a High School in North Carolina. To help, we recently launched our OPERATION AED Program to get schools FREE AEDs – no strings attached. In just 5 weeks since launch, we’ve already secured 20 AED’s for 20 schools in WI, PA, MI & OH .. and are working on helping another 100+ school districts in those states. Now we are launching in yours. Below is info on our program. Let us know if you have any questions or want to participate. Thank you.
“Almost always, when young adults have a cardiac arrest, it’s an electrical problem of the heart,” Dr. Azita Hamedani said. “All it requires is a simple reset, just like your computer, & that reset can come in the form of a shock from an AED…”

Too many young adults are having Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in our country today. We want to try and help to ‘save a life.’ So… Sports Image® has launched “OPERATION AED” to GIVE a fully-automated AED to your School District … At ZERO cost. Whether you already have one (or multiple) – you can always find a place for one more when minutes count. Let us help.
There is ZERO financial obligation to the District!

What You Will Receive (a $2500 value):
• A Fully-Automatic DT- AED Lifeline by Defibtech
• DT- Case Soft Carry for Lifeline AED
• ‘Stop The Bleed’ Curaplex Kit – vacuum sealed
• AED Program Management Software ($150 Value. Free 1st year – optional after that)
Sign the attached form or click here… and we’ll touch base to get started.
We will secure one sponsor (that you will approve) to help offset some of the costs of Operation AED & we will send a banner (see pic) for you to hang in your high school gym or stadium to recognize their donation.