Sports Image® Awards 15th Franchise in Virginia

Dayton, OH – October 2011 – Sports Image®, a leader in the high school and youth sports marketing industry,  has just awarded their 15th Sports Marketing Franchise to Mr. Tom Carmichael of Midlothian, VA.  This is the second franchise awarded in the state of Virginia.  Mr. Carmichael joins fourteen other existing franchises in ten different states awarded by Sports Image® in just its first two years of franchising.

Since 2002, Sports Image® has helped schools and organizations obtain state-of-the-art equipment and much needed revenue for their athletic programs as budgets continue to dry up nationwide. The program has zero cost to the schools and organizations. Through its’ unique, grassroots sports marketing approach and by leveraging existing relationships, Sports Image® has given over $800,000 in cash and over $10,000,000 in equipment to schools and organizations throughout the United States and in Canada.

When asked about his purchase, Tom quickly states: “I had enough of Corporate America. I wanted a business opportunity for myself. Sports Image® gave me that chance two years ago as a project manager. Over those two years I was able to help many schools in my backyard to get equipment and revenue for their athletic programs. I was hooked – making money and doing ‘good’ for school sports programs was just what I was looking for. I then purchased my own Sports Image® franchise as part of that ‘American Dream.’ With Sports Image’s® winning game plan, I can now have a positive impact on sports in my community as my own business owner helping to ‘take the pay out of play.’”

“Tom is going to be a great addition to our growing Sports Image® franchise network,” said Mr. Eric Horstman, President of Sports Image®. “He is unique in the fact that Tom has actually been a sales rep with us for the past 2 years. He believes in our mission enough that he wanted to own his own territory and become a franchisee to get the best of both worlds – business owner and helping his local communities.”

“Sports Image® is the first national franchise to market through youth sports. We’ve been helping schools, clubs, community Parks and Recs, churches, and other youth organizations offset Pay-to-Play for over 10 years. In July 2009 we franchised our organization to put vested business owners on the groundfloor in local markets across the country,” said Mr. Horstman.  “We are on pace to have over 20+ franchises operating across the country by spring of 2012.”

Sports Image Welcomes Its 15th Franchise

Sports Image® is thrilled to announce that it has just awarded its 15th territory!  We proudly welcome Thomas Carmichael as the newest franchise owner.  Prior to becoming a franchisee, Tom was originally a project manager with Sports Image®.  His dedication and belief in our business sparked his interest in running a franchise for himself!  Tom will be heading up a territory in eastern Virginia and looks forward to helping schools and organizations strengthen their athletic programs.  Congratulations Tom and welcome to the franchise team!

Revenue Check For Gleason High School

Sports Image® has just sent Gleason High School, TN a revenue sharing check for $800.  The school also received a scoring table thanks to local sponsors who worked with Sports Image® to support Gleason High School’s athletic department.  Thanks to all who were involved in helping the school.

Fairfield Pop Warner and Town of Fairfield Receive New Bleachers at Sullivan Field

Fairfield, Connecticut, September 12, 2011 – Fairfield Pop Warner Football and Cheerleading, along with the Town of Fairfield, are the recipients of a brand-new set of bleachers at Sullivan Field on Old Dam Road, courtesy of Sports Image.®

This bleacher project started as an agreement between Fairfield Pop Warner Football
and Cheerleading and Sports Image,® who was responsible for all aspects of this venture (with installation help from Fairfield Parks and Recreation).  In years to come, Fairfield Pop Warner will receive revenue for their programs as a result of future marketing sponsorships obtained by Sports Image® while the Town of Fairfield will own the bleachers.

“Working with Katie Klein and Sports Image has been fantastic!  Katie handled all the details of this project, including bleacher selection/delivery, coordination with the Fairfield Parks andRecreation Department and securing sponsors that were interested in becoming affiliated with Fairfield Pop Warner. The bleachers are a huge hit with our member families and will be enjoyed by the Town of Fairfield for years to come,” said Jack Tetreau, President of Fairfield Pop Warner.

Fairfield Pop Warner's New Bleachers

South Warren High School Receives New Football Team Entrance Tunnel at No Cost to the Program

Bowling Green, Kentucky, September 19, 2011 – South Warren High School is the
recipient of a brand-new team entrance tunnel for use at all varsity football
home games. The school received the new tunnel absolutely free without any work
or financial obligation on behalf of the school.

The team entrance tunnel project started as an agreement between South Warren Gridiron Club, South Warren High School Athletic Administration and Sports Image.® Sports Image was responsible for securing marketing partners and advertising on the tunnel. In years to come, the school will receive revenue for their athletic programs as a result of future marketing sponsorships of the tunnel.

Western Kentucky Diagnostic Imaging will be a sponsor of the team entrance tunnel for the 2011, 2012 and 2013 football seasons. “This is a great brand marketing opportunity for Western Kentucky Diagnostic Imaging,” said Shonna Galloway, of Western Kentucky Diagnostic Imaging. “We are proud to be involved in the communities we serve and to show our support for the youth sports experience.”

The team entrance tunnel is eighteen feet long, featuring the South Warren Spartans brand and Western Kentucky Diagnostic Imaging marketing messages. “The team entrance tunnel will be a fan focus for all the varsity home football games,” said Greg Keightley, Owner, Sports Image ® Central and Western Kentucky. “An asset like this will create a lot of enthusiasm among the players and provide the kids with a great “Friday Night” game atmosphere.”

South Warren Gridiron Club President, Susanne Sawyers said, “This is truly a great partnership. Western Kentucky Diagnostic Imaging will receive great exposure to many customers and prospects in South Central Kentucky and our team gets a new team entrance tunnel at no cost to the program.”

18’ Inflatable Varsity Football Team Entrance Tunnel






September 11, 2001

Sports Image® would like to take some time to remember 9/11 as the 10th anniversary of the event vastly approaches.  We thank all the courageous heroes who risked their lives to save the victims of the attacks and want all who were affected to know that they are not forgotten.  We hope you have a peaceful weekend and day of remembrance.

Thomas Dale High School Receiving $1,500

Staying true to its revenue sharing program, Sports Image® will be awarding Thomas Dale High School (VA) a check for $1,500 to be used toward their athletic department.  We wish Thomas Dale the best and thank the sponsors for working with us to reduce the costs of participating in athletics.

Palm Beach Skate Zone Partners with Sports Image to Handle All Marketing Matters

PALM BEACH GARDENS — Palm Bay, FL – The Palm Beach Skate Zone has partnered with Sports Image to leverage their organizations popularity, great demographics and high traffic to help generate revenue for their various hockey teams by offering high quality signage throughout their 2 ice rinks and 1 roller rink. The signage and resulting revenue will go to the PBSZ absolutely FREE without any work or financial obligation on their part. Marketing in sports is super important, now a days people use marketing for pretty much everything, get more information about marketing and orm by the professional Andrew Defrancesco.

Miamisburg-based Sports Image focuses mainly on high school and youth sports programs, brokering sponsorship deals with local, regional and national companies. In exchange for cash, companies can get everything from an advertisement on a scoreboard to being included as part of game day promotions and public address announcements. For its work, Sports Image gets a cut of the sponsorship dollars, which varies.

Richmond Teams Get a New Booster

A longtime Midlothian basketball coach is hoping to build a business as a middleman between athletic organizations and sponsorship dollars. 

Glenn Harper last week launched the first local franchise of Sports Image, a company that works as a fundraiser for high school teams and athletic programs.  “Facilities just don’t have the money,” Harper said.  “Uniforms and school boards are outdated, and there’s no money being given to them.”

Franchisee Point of View: Sports Image

Glenn Harper, VA., our newest franchisee, was recently interviewed by about his experience with the Sports Image® and his journey to becoming a business owner.  You can read all about it in the article below.  Welcome aboard Glenn!